Compassionate Counselling

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About Counselling & Psychotherapy #01

How can counselling help?

We all get periods of time when we feel low and need extra support. Friends and family are great at these times. However, sometimes the additional help of someone with psychological training and experience is invaluable in order to help you to look at things from a different perspective.

awareness and understanding enable change

About Counselling & Psychotherapy #02

We are made up of many psychological 'layers', some of which are outside our awareness. In-depth counselling or psychotherapy can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, bringing hidden aspects of yourself back into awareness. This helps to restore psychological well-being, which feels a bit like putting the pieces of a 'jigsaw' back together. It is very liberating.

Read how some of my clients have benefitted from seeing me for counselling

About Counselling & Psychotherapy #03

Counselling can help boost self-esteem, untangle emotional dilemmas, provide support during grief or trauma, enable you to have the courage to face the world again after illness, divorce or job loss.It can help you to discover why you feel a certain way and what your triggers are. It can be a great opportunity to change habitual ways of relating, gain control of your life and move forward. Through counselling, you can explore painful feelings, thoughts and patterns of behaviour and find new, healthier ways of being.

I will not tell you how to live your life, that is not my role, but I will provide the unique support that will help you to make the changes in your life that you desire.

If you have further questions about counselling please see my F.A.Q. page
Alternatively To email me CLICK HERE or phone 07948 465728

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